There was some beautiful scenery today and some lovely places to visit - namely Little Haven, Broad Haven and Newgale - all around St. Brides Bay. Unfortunately Richard's boots had taken their toll, he was feeling every step through the ...
Newgale YMCA OEC will be holding adventure weekends for individuals/families and groups during the 2008 holiday periods. The dates are as follows: 21-23 March 8-10 August. 28-30 March 15-17 August. 23-25 May 22-24 August ...
SAVE 7.5% PER PERSON ON INSIGHT VACATIONS 2011 TOURS OR BOOK AN INSIGHT VACATIONS AIR INCLUSIVE TOUR AND YOUR COMPANION FLIES FOR $299 + tx. An insight on Insight Vacations: Travelling on an Insight Vacations luxury touring coach is ? ... Please Note: This year's shows will be held at the brand new Gale Center arena in Niagara Falls, Canada. All of Hanover Holidays guests will be seated in the Gold Section! Cost per person: Twin:????$369.00 + $47.97 HST Triple:? ...